Friday, December 07, 2012
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 11:20 AM
Subject: BRA 07-12-12 OIE Alert - Alerta - Alerte - Bovine spongiform
encephalopathy - Encéphalopathie spongiforme bovine - Encefalopatía espongiforme
English PDF reports Français Rapports PDF Español informes PDF
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy ,Brazil Information received on 07/12/2012
from Dr Figueiredo Marques Guilherme Henrique , Director, Departamento de Saúde
Animal , Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuaria e Abastecimento , Brasilia,
Summary Report type Immediate notification Date of start of the event
18/12/2010 Date of pre-confirmation of the event 15/06/2012 Report date
07/12/2012 Date submitted to OIE 07/12/2012 Reason for notification First
occurrence of a listed disease Manifestation of disease Sub-clinical infection
Causal agent Prion responsible for bovine spongiform encephalopathy Nature of
diagnosis Laboratory (advanced) This event pertains to the whole country
New outbreaks Summary of outbreaks Total outbreaks: 1 Outbreak Location
PARANA ( Sertanópolis ) Total animals affected Species Susceptible Cases Deaths
Destroyed Slaughtered Cattle 148 1 1 0 0 Outbreak statistics Species Apparent
morbidity rate Apparent mortality rate Apparent case fatality rate Proportion
susceptible animals lost* Cattle 0.68% 0.68% 100.00% 0.68%
* Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction and/or
Epidemiology Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection Unknown or
inconclusive Epidemiological comments On 18 December 2010, the Official
Veterinary Services (OVS) were informed by the owner of a holding in the
municipality of Sertanópolis (State of Paraná) on a recumbent bovine showing
limb stiffness which was detected during routine inspection. Next day, when the
OVS were going to visit the holding, they were informed by the stockman that the
animal was dead. The OVS went to the holding to collect information and samples
for the diagnosis of the cause of the death. As it is an area where rabies is
present in herbivores, samples were taken for the diagnosis of this disease and
for differential diagnosis, as recommended by the national protocol. The animal
was properly buried on site. The animal was a beef breeding cow almost 13 years
old at the time of death, according to information obtained during the
epidemiological investigations. According to regulations and routine procedures
to be implemented in case of suspected neurological diseases, the sample was
tested for rabies and it was negative. As it was an adult animal negative for
rabies, the sample was sent for laboratory analysis within the surveillance
system for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). On 11 April 2011, a negative
histopathological result for BSE was obtained in a laboratory accredited by the
OVS. The sample was sent to the National Reference Laboratory, National
Agricultural Laboratory (LANAGRO-PE), Recife, Pernambuco, for BSE diagnosis and
it tested positive on 15 June 2012 by immunohistochemical test. The delay
between the two tests was caused by an incident occurred in one of the
laboratories of the accredited network for the diagnosis of BSE. That led to
overload the system and to prioritize the diagnosis of samples which met
BSE-risk characteristics, as established by the OIE. The sample belonged to the
group fallen stock and to the age group over 9 years, according to the
Article 11.5.22 of the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code. This classification
led to consider the sample as showing a low diagnosis priority level, which
resulted in a longer than expected delay from histopathological to
immunohistochemical tests. According to the procedure manual on response to the
occurrence of a BSE event in Brazil and as it is the first occurrence in the
country, the sample was sent for confirmatory diagnosis to the OIE Reference
Laboratory for this disease, Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency
(AHVLA), Weybridge, United Kingdom. The sample tested positive in
immunohistochemical test on 6 December 2012. The epidemiological investigation
shows that the animals death was not caused by BSE and suggests that it may be
an atypical case of the disease occurring in the oldest animals. Information
collected during the epidemiological investigation shows also that the animal
was reared in an extensive system on grazing. Note by the OIE: Brazil is still
recognized by the OIE as having a negligible BSE risk in accordance with Chapter
11.5. of the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code.
Control measures Measures applied No vaccination No treatment of affected
animals Measures to be applied No other measures
Diagnostic test results Laboratory name and type Animal Health Laboratory -
IMA ( National laboratory ) Tests and results Species Test Test date Result
Cattle histological test 11/04/2011 Negative Laboratory name and type National
Agricultural Laboratory (LANAGRO-PE) ( National laboratory ) Tests and results
Species Test Test date Result Cattle immunohistochemical test 15/06/2012
Positive Laboratory name and type Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories
Agency (AHVLA) ( OIEs Reference Laboratory ) Tests and results Species Test
Test date Result Cattle immunohistochemical test 06/12/2012 Positive
Future Reporting The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be
Encéphalopathie spongiforme bovine ,Brésil Information reçue le 07/12/2012
de Dr Figueiredo Marques Guilherme Henrique , Director, Departamento de Saúde
Animal , Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuaria e Abastecimento , Brasilia,
Résumé Type de rapport Notification immédiate Date de début de lévénement
18/12/2010 Date de pré-confirmation de l´événement 15/06/2012 Date du rapport
07/12/2012 Date d'envoi à l'OIE 07/12/2012 Raison de notification Apparition
pour la première fois dune maladie appartenant à la liste de l'OIE
Manifestation de la maladie Infection sub-clinique Agent causal Prion
responsable de lencéphalopathie spongiforme bovine Nature du diagnostic Tests
approfondis en laboratoire (i.e. virologie, microscopie électronique, biologie
moléculaire, immunologie) Cet événement se rapporte à tout le pays
Nouveaux foyers Récapitulatif des foyers Nombre total de foyers : 1
Localisation du foyer PARANA ( Sertanópolis ) Nombre total d'animaux atteints
Espèce(s) Sensibles Cas Morts Détruits Abattus Bovins 148 1 1 0 0 Statistiques
sur le foyer Espèce(s) Taux de morbidité apparent Taux de mortalité apparent
Taux de fatalité apparent Proportion d'animaux sensibles perdus* Bovins 0.68%
0.68% 100.00% 0.68%
* Soustraits de la population sensible suite à la mort, à l´abattage et/ou
à la destruction;
Epidémiologie Source du/des foyer(s) ou origine de l´infection Inconnue ou
incertaine Autres renseignements épidémiologiques / Commentaires Le 18 décembre
2010, les Services vétérinaires officiels (SVO) ont été informés par le
propriétaire dun élevage de la municipalité de Sertanópolis (État de Paraná)
dun bovin en décubitus montrant une raideur des membres détecté lors de
lexamen de routine. Le lendemain, lorsque les SVO allaient se rendre à
lélevage, ils ont été informés par le soigneur que lanimal était mort. Les SVO
se sont rendus à lélevage pour recueillir des informations et prélever des
échantillons afin de diagnostiquer la cause de la mort. Comme il sagit dune
zone où la rage est présente chez les herbivores, les prélèvements ont été
effectués de façon à rechercher cette maladie ou établir un diagnostic
différentiel, conformément aux recommandations du protocole national. Lanimal a
été enterré de façon adéquate sur les lieux. Lanimal était une vache de
boucherie destinée à lélevage de veaux âgée à sa mort de presque 13 ans, selon
les informations obtenues lors des enquêtes épidémiologiques effectuées. En
conformité avec la règlementation et les procédures de routine à mettre en uvre
lors des enquêtes concernant des suspicions de maladies neurologiques,
léchantillon a été testé pour la rage et sest avéré négatif. Comme il
sagissait dun animal adulte sétant avéré négatif pour la rage, léchantillon
a été envoyé au laboratoire dans le cadre du système de surveillance pour
lencéphalopathie spongiforme bovine (ESB). Le 11 avril 2011, un résultat
histopathologique négatif pour lESB a été obtenu au Laboratoire agréé par les
SVO. Léchantillon a été envoyé au Laboratoire de référence national,
Laboratoire national de l'élevage (LANAGRO-PE), Recife (Pernambuco), afin
détablir le diagnostic dESB ; il sest avéré positif en immunohistochimie le
15 juin 2012. Le délai entre les deux épreuves a été dû un incident apparu dans
lun des laboratoires du réseau agréé pour le diagnostic de lESB. Cela a
conduit à une surcharge du système et à la nécessité de donner la priorité au
diagnostic déchantillons ayant les caractéristiques de risque dESB,
conformément aux dispositions de lOIE. Léchantillon appartenait au groupe «
animal trouvé mort » et à la tranche dâge « plus de neuf ans », conformément à
lArticle 11.5.22 du Code sanitaire pour les animaux terrestres de lOIE. Cette
classification a fait que léchantillon a été considéré comme ayant un niveau de
priorité faible, résultant un délai plus long que prévu entre les épreuves
histopathologiques et immunohistochimiques. Conformément aux procédures en
vigueur au Brésil concernant la réponse à donner face à lapparition dun
événement dESB et étant donné quil sagit de la première apparition dans le
pays, léchantillon a été envoyé pour confirmation au Laboratoire de référence
de lOIE pour la maladie, lAgence des Laboratoires vétérinaires et santé
animale (AHVLA), Weybridge (Royaume-Uni). Léchantillon sest avéré positif en
immunohistochimie le 6 décembre 2012. Lenquête épidémiologique montre que la
mort de lanimal na pas été due à lESB et suggère quil peut sagir dun cas
non typique de la maladie tendant à apparaitre chez les animaux les plus vieux.
Les informations recueillies lors de lenquête épidémiologique montrent aussi
que lanimal a été élevé dans un système extensif au pâturage. Note de l'OIE :
Le Brésil est toujours reconnu par lOIE comme présentant un risque négligeable
à l'égard de l'ESB, conformément au Chapitre 11.5. du Code sanitaire pour les
animaux terrestres.
Mesures de lutte Mesure de lutte appliquées Pas de vaccination Aucun
traitement des animaux atteints Mesures à appliquer Aucune autre mesure
Résultats des tests de diagnostics Nom du laboratoire et type Agence des
Laboratoires vétérinaires et santé animale (AHVLA) ( Laboratoire de référence de
lOIE ) Tests et résultats Espèce(s) Test Date du test Résultat Bovins examen
immunohistochimique 06/12/2012 Positif Nom du laboratoire et type Laboratoire de
santé animale - IMA ( Laboratoire national ) Tests et résultats Espèce(s) Test
Date du test Résultat Bovins examen histologique 11/04/2011 Négatif Nom du
laboratoire et type Laboratoire national de l'élevage (LANAGRO-PE) ( Laboratoire
national ) Tests et résultats Espèce(s) Test Date du test Résultat Bovins examen
immunohistochimique 15/06/2012 Positif
Rapports futurs Cet événement se poursuit. Des rapports de suivi
hebdomadaires devront être envoyés.
Encefalopatía espongiforme bovina ,Brasil Información recibida el
07/12/2012 desde Dr Figueiredo Marques Guilherme Henrique , Director,
Departamento de Saúde Animal , Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuaria e
Abastecimento , Brasilia, Brasil
Resumen Tipo de informe Notificación inmediata Fecha del inicio del evento
18/12/2010 Fecha de pre-confirmación del evento 15/06/2012 Fecha del informe
07/12/2012 Fecha de envio del informe a la OIE 07/12/2012 Motivo de la
notificación Aparición por primera vez de una enfermedad de la Lista de la OIE
Manifestación de la enfermedad Infección sub-clínica Agente causal Proteína
prión responsable de la encefalopatía espongiforme bovina Naturaleza del
diagnóstico Pruebas de diagnóstico de laboratorio avanzadas (ej. virología,
microscopía electrónica, biología molecular e inmunología) Este evento concierne
todo el país
Nuevos focos Resumen de los focos Número total de focos: 1 Localización del
foco PARANA ( Sertanópolis ) Número total de animales afectados Especies
Susceptibles Casos Muertos Destruidos Sacrificados Bovinos 148 1 1 0 0
Estadística del foco Especies Tasa de morbilidad aparente Tasa de mortalidad
aparente Tasa de fatalidad aparente Proporción de animales susceptibles
perdidos* Bovinos 0.68% 0.68% 100.00% 0.68%
* Descontados de la población susceptible a raíz de su muerte, destrucción
o sacrificio;
Epidemiología Fuente del o de los focos u origen de la infección
Desconocida o no concluyente Otros detalles epidemiológicos / comentarios El 18
de diciembre de 2010, el servicio veterinario oficial (SVO) fue informado por el
propietario de una explotación en la municipalidad de Sertanópolis, Estado del
Paraná, acerca de la existencia de un bovino que se encontraba en decúbito y con
rigidez de los miembros, lo que fue observado durante la inspección de rutina
diaria. Al día siguiente, cuando el SVO se preparaba para realizar la visita,
fue informado por el cuidador que el animal estaba muerto. El SVO fue hasta la
propiedad para recoger información y muestras para el diagnóstico de la causa de
la muerte. Al ser un área donde existe la presencia de la rabia de los
herbívoros, la toma de muestras fue dirigida al diagnóstico de esa enfermedad y
diferenciales, conforme preconiza el protocolo nacional. El animal fue
adecuadamente enterrado en la propiedad. El animal era una hembra bovina, de
actitud cárnica, destinada a la cría de terneros, de casi 13 años en la fecha de
la muerte, conforme informaciones obtenidas durante las investigaciones
epidemiológicas realizadas. En conformidad con las normativas y los
procedimientos de rutina para una investigación de sospechas de enfermedades
nerviosas, la muestra fue sometida a la prueba para el diagnóstico de rabia, que
resultó negativa. Por tratarse de un animal adulto y con resultado negativo para
rabia, la muestra fue enviada para pruebas de laboratorio del sistema de
vigilancia para encefalopatía espongiforme bovina (EEB). El 11 de abril de 2011,
fue emitido resultado histopatológico negativo para EEB en laboratorio
habilitado por el SVO. La muestra fue enviada al Laboratorio de referencia
nacional, Laboratorio Nacional Agropecuario (LANAGRO-PE), Recife (Pernambuco),
para diagnóstico de EEB y resultó positiva el 15 de junio de 2012 mediante
prueba de inmunohistoquímica. El retraso entre las dos pruebas fue debido a un
incidente ocurrido en uno de los laboratorios de la red habilitada para el
diagnóstico de EEB. Eso llevó a la sobrecarga del sistema, generando la
necesidad de dar prioridad al diagnóstico de muestras que reunían
características de riesgo para EEB, conforme establecido por la OIE. La muestra
pertenecía al grupo animal fallecido y a la categoría de edad más de 9 años,
conforme el artículo 11.5.22 del Código sanitario para los animales terrestres
de la OIE. Esa clasificación encuadró la muestra en un nivel de baja prioridad
de diagnóstico, en aquel momento, resultando en un intervalo de tiempo mayor de
lo esperado entre las pruebas histopatológica e inmunohistoquímica. De acuerdo
con el manual de procedimientos para respuesta a la aparición de episodio de EEB
en Brasil, y por tratarse de la primera aparición en el país, esa muestra fue
enviada para el diagnóstico confirmatorio al Laboratorio de referencia de la OIE
para la enfermedad, la Agencia de laboratorios veterinarios y sanidad animal
(AHVLA) en Weybridge (Reino Unido). La muestra resultó positiva en prueba de
inmunohistoquímica el 6 de diciembre de 2012. Las investigaciones
epidemiológicas demuestran que el animal no murió de EEB y sugieren que puede
tratarse de un caso no clásico de la enfermedad que tiende a ocurrir en animales
más viejos. Las informaciones recogidas en la investigación epidemiológica
también muestran que el animal fue criado en sistema extensivo con alimentación
en pasto.
Nota de la OIE : Brasil sigue clasificado por la OIE en la categoría de
países en que el riesgo de encefalopatía espongiforme bovina es insignificante,
de acuerdo con las disposiciones del Capítulo 11.5. del Código sanitario para
los animales terrestres.
Medidas de Control Medidas implementadas Vacunación: no Ningún tratamiento
de los animales afectados Medidas para implementar Ninguna otra medida
Resultados de las pruebas diagnósticas Nombre y tipo de laboratorio Agencia
de laboratorios veterinarios y sanidad animal (AHVLA) ( Laboratorio de
referencia de la OIE ) Pruebas y resultados Especies Prueba Fecha de la prueba
Resultados Bovinos examen inmunohistoquímico 06/12/2012 Positivo Nombre y tipo
de laboratorio Laboratorio de Salud Animal - IMA ( Laboratorio nacional )
Pruebas y resultados Especies Prueba Fecha de la prueba Resultados Bovinos
examen histológico 11/04/2011 Negativo Nombre y tipo de laboratorio Laboratorio
Nacional Agropecuario (LANAGRO-PE) ( Laboratorio nacional ) Pruebas y resultados
Especies Prueba Fecha de la prueba Resultados Bovinos examen inmunohistoquímico
15/06/2012 Positivo
Informes futuros El episodio continúa. Informes de seguimiento semanales
serán enviados
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Scientific Report of the European Food Safety Authority on the Assessment
of the Geographical BSE Risk (GBR) of Brazil
Dementia & Neuropsychologia 2007;1(4):339-346 Gattás VL, et al.
Surveillance of prion diseases New variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob (vCJD)
disease and other human prion diseases under epidemiological surveillance in
Dementia & Neuropsychologia 2007;1(4):347-355 Martins VR, et al.
Prion diseases in Brazil Prion diseases are under compulsory notification
in Brazil Surveillance of cases evaluated by biochemical and/or genetic markers
from 2005 to 2007
1 people who received human growth hormone
between 1963 and 1985 have since been diagnosed with Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
in Brazil (NIDDK, NIH, 2002)
Prion Diseases Surveillance in State of Sao Paulo – a Pioneer Experience in
Maria Bernadete de Paula Eduardo - Waterborne and Foodborne Diseases
Surveillance Branch,
Epidemiologic Surveillance Center (CVE), Sao Paulo
Risk.25: Genetic Analysis of Human Prion Diseases in Brazil from 2005 to
Michele C. Landemberger,1,† Cleiton F. Machado,1 Helio R. Gomes,2 Leila
Chimelli,3 Sergio Rosemberg,2 Ricardo Nitrini2 and Vilma R. Martins1
1International Center for Research and Education Hospital A.C Camargo; Sao
Paulo, SP Brazil; 2Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo; Sao
Paulo, SP Brazil; 3Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal do Rio de
Janeiro; Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil †Presenting author; Email:
Global surveillance of vCJD and other forms of CJD was recommended from the
WHO for a better understanding of potential causes of iatrogenic CJD, as well as
the distribution of various hereditary forms. Prion diseases have been under
compulsory notification in Brazil since 2005. From August 2005 to February 2011,
we received 141 blood samples from notified cases of suspected CJD. Among these,
twenty five cases (18%) did not fulfill clinical criteria for notification or
the notification form was not complete. Blood samples were analyzed by direct
genomic sequencing to identify mutations and polymorphisms in the PRNP gene.
Cases with mutation in direct sequencing were cloned to confirm results. The
presence of 14.3.3 protein in Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) was evaluated using
immunoblotting and brain tissue obtained by autopsy or biopsy was analyzed by
imunohistochemistry for the presence of spongiosis and proteinase K resistant
PrP. The average age of the 117 remaining patients was 58.8 years with a median
of 61 years (range 13-82 years), males representing 52% of the cases. PRNP
polymorphisms analysis showed that 59% of the cases were homozygous for
methionine at codon 129 (M129M), 26% were heterozygous (M129V) and 15% were
homozygous for valine (V129V). The silent polymorphism at codon 117 was detected
in 10% of the patients and 4% had deletion at the octarepeat. E200K mutation at
PRNP was found in four unrelated patients and all of them presented methionine
at codon 129 in the mutated allele. Brain tissue of 19 patients was available
(16%); 16 of them had spongiosis and were positive for proteinase K resistant
PrP. After clinical evaluation, imaging exams, 14.3.3 protein presence, genetic
and immunohistochemical analysis, notified cases were classified according to
the WHO criteria.
Thus, 16 cases (14%) were classified as definite sCJD, four cases (3%) as
genetic CJD, 38 cases (32%) were classified as possible sCJD and 42 (36%) as
probable sCJD. Fourteen cases (12%) remained suspected sCJD and three cases
could not be confirmed as sCJD. From the 16 cases with definite sCJD, 75% were
M129M, 19% M129V and 6% V129V. This study provides the first epidemiologic data
about human prion diseases in Brazil. Similar to any other country the
availability of brain tissue from these patients is a limiting factor to confirm
the diagnosis of prion diseases. This study also represents an important tool
for prion-prevention policies and is of great importance for future
implementation of clinical trials.
Síndrome de Alpers uma variante da Doença de Creutzfeldt-Jakob?
Alpers’ disease a variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease?
Henrique Pott Jr.1, Maria Cristina Furian Ferreira2, Amilcar Castro
The dementia, is usually associated with other neurological abnormalities,
and a definitive diagnosis of most syndromes depends on neuropathological
examination. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in children presents neuropathological
examination similar to Alpers’ disease, which have given attention to the
differential diagnosis between these syndromes. The aim of this study was to
report a case of progressive degenerative spongiform encephalopathy in infancy
with study of autopsy. Keywords. Dementia, Differential Diagnosis,
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Syndrome, Alpers Syndrome. Citation. Pott Jr. H, Ferreira MCF,
Mattos AC. Alpers’ disease a variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease?
Case Description
Female patient, 5 years, with frame clinical and progressive encephalopathy
in our hospital since 6 months of age. As showed inrespiratory sufficiency, was
kept breathing assist from since that date. Clinical data of early admission
exclude the possibility of secondary ischemic to trauma during dleivery. The
worsening progressive neurological reflexes, including deep, led to succesive
clinical and laboratory investigations pouco enlightening.
snip, see full text ;
Creutzfeldt Jakob disease
The agenda than revenge
By Nathália Kneipp Sena on 14/08/2012 in issue 707
Every time the national press exposes the possible existence of the disease
in Brazil popularly known as "mad cow disease", the news dies on the beach. This
happens because there is insufficient evidence to sensationalism desired (and
lasting) or potential for a diplomatic crisis - ruin the fortunes of kings
livestock and widespread burning of politicians and bureaucrats - or for the
sacrifice of entire herds, as happened across the Sea, UK.
The ordeal of the victims and those affected by prion disease and their
families, which already occurs in the country for decades, and is considered
minor misfortune taboo subject, plot that disenchanted opposite its theoretical
complexity and escalating scientific terms that surround the "discovery" and the
manifestations of the "prion" - pathogenic protein acquired by inheritance or
contagion - a silent serial killer who for centuries decimated several species
of animals worldwide, including humans.
The supposed rarity of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in humans
manifestation of a pathogenic protein, which is also identified in bovine
spongiform encephalopathy, or BSE (bovine acronym of the English expression
spongiform encephalopathy), or "mad cow disease , "comes to be stated on the
website of the Ministry of Health as nonexistent (no record) in Brazil since
Victims of CJD in Brazil
Read more at:
[Nathália Kneipp Sena is a journalist, Brasília, DF]
Thursday, February 14, 2013
The Many Faces of Mad Cow Disease Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy BSE and
TSE prion disease
Tuesday, March 05, 2013
A closer look at prion strains Characterization and important implications
7:2, 99–108; March/April 2013; © 2013 Landes Bioscience
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease CJD worlds youngest documented victim, 11 years
old, shall we pray
Sunday, December 2, 2012
CANADA 19 cases of mad cow disease SCENARIO 4: ‘WE HAD OUR CHANCE AND WE
Friday, November 23, 2012
sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease update As at 5th November 2012 UK, USA,
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Transmission of New Bovine Prion to Mice, Atypical Scrapie, BSE, and
Sporadic CJD, November-December 2012 update
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
O.I.E. BSE, CWD, SCRAPIE, TSE PRION DISEASE Final Report of the 80th
General Session, 20 - 25 May 2012
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